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New episodes of DBZ are airing weeknights at 4:30pm and 6:30pm on Cartoon Network.

New episodes of Dragonball are airing on Cartoon Network week nights at 4:00pm and 6:00pm

New DBZ videogame for Game Boy Advance, "The Legacy of Goku", is in stores now!

A live action DBZ movie is going to be made by FOX and Funimation. Release date unknown.

News and Updates
Last Updated 12/05/02

12/05/02 8:15pm PST-I added 2 episodes of DBZ to the downloads page so go check it out. Thats about it. Later! -Shane

11/28/02-Happy Thanksgiving! Well, I got my new computer last week and I have it set up now. So new downloads should be coming up soon. Also, I got a new email address so if anyone one has tried emailing me please email me at my new address
Thats it for now. Later! -Shane

11/10/02 9:19pm PST-Well, I haven't written a review for The Legacy of Goku yet, but if I have time tomorrow or next weekend I will get it up. Also I ordered a new computer yesterday so I should be getting it pretty soon and I will also have cable internet, so I will be able to put up more downloads. And one more thing, if you have International Channel in your area, on Sundays at 7:30 Pacific time DBGT is on so watch out for that. If you want to know if you have International Channel in your are go to I think thats about it for now. Later! -Shane

11/04/02 10:45pm PST-Man, I have not worked on the site for a while! I have been really busy lately with school and football. Anyways, I got DBZ The Legacy of Goku for GBA and probably soon I will be putting up my review of the game. I should probably have time this weekend since I have a 4-day weekend! Also farely soon I will be getting a new computer and cable internet so I will be able to get up more downloads. Thats about it for now. Later! -Shane

8/23/02 5:49pm PST-I added episode 1 of DBGT and episode 3 of DBZ to the downloads page so go check it out! Later! -Shane

8/20/02 10:51pm PST-I added a thing where you can tell your friends about my site. And thats about it. Later! -Shane

8/19/02 9:31pm PST-I added some midi files and some wav files to the downloads section and thats about it for now. Later! -Shane

8/15/02 1:05am PST-Well, I have started on making the RPG and it should be up in a while so keep an eye out for it. I believe that the RPG will be a message board RPG, more to come on this. Later! -Shane

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(c) 2000-2002 Shane's DBZ Page This is just a fan site I am in no way shape or form affiliated with TOEI Animation Inc., Bird Studios/Shueshi, Funimation Inc., or any other companys associated with DB, DBZ, or DBGT.